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assigned as group leaders

Jun 23, 2024

3 min read




Hey there, guess what? Today, I found myself reminiscing about our high school days, especially when we were in our final year and assigned as group leaders. I was selected because of my involvement in the Olympiad extracurricular activities, while you were from the PKS. I remember clearly expressing my reluctance to take on the role of group leader, mainly because my house was so far from school. I preferred longer breaks rather than being responsible for managing the junior students. I was quite lazy when it came to interacting with people back then, haha...

If I'm not mistaken, how many groups were there again? Oh well, I guess I forgot. Then there was B, the head of the student council at the time. Everyone knew he had a crush on me. Somehow, fate had it that we ended up in the same group, which meant we had to cooperate. I must admit, I was a bit annoyed because facing him every day wasn't exactly comfortable for me. But hey, we were friends, so we managed to stay professional for the sake of our group.

Little did I know, you were also a group leader. I wasn't surprised when I found out because I had a feeling you would be. I remember we stopped communicating due to some classroom issues, which led to us drifting apart without further conversations.

It's not that I didn't want to talk; it was more about feeling shy and not knowing what to say. There were moments when we would accidentally cross paths, although we never exchanged words.

One vivid memory is seeing you and your group cleaning a specific part of the park (I forgot its name), while my group was assigned to clean along the school's entrance gate. It was quite amusing because I didn't realize you had just gotten a haircut, making you look different. I couldn't help but think you looked pretty cool...

I can't remember if I greeted you at that moment or not. If not, I apologize; it must have slipped my mind.

Looking back, those were some fun and lighthearted moments during our final year, or even earlier. Despite not being the most outgoing in our class, I found myself increasingly drawn to you, despite my ability to hide and suppress those feelings...

Tonight, as I reminisce, I realize how grateful I am to recount these memories, even if they never reach you directly. You were pretty cool back then, and I know you received commendations from the junior students. They thought you were a great group leader, which I'm sure you were. It's a shame they couldn't see your sweet side like I did, but maybe that was meant just for me.

So, here's to you, thanking you once again for being a part of my story during our time as group leaders. Even though we didn't interact much, I often caught glimpses of you from afar, and that was enough to bring a smile to my face, for reasons I can't quite explain.

I'm not sure what you're up to these days, but if I were to guess, you're probably busy running simulations on your laptop, sometimes waiting for hours. Maybe hoping for a chance to chat or even play games together. Things are different now; it's not that I don't want to, but it's a bit challenging to revert to how things were between us, now that we're just friends. It means we're still connected, but I fear it might lead to hurting each other in the end.

Forgive me for writing this without knowing what you've been up to. I always say God is good; He gave me a chance to get to know you, despite my initial reluctance to engage with guys. Perhaps our paths will cross again at the right time, as destined by Him.

That's my story for today. Good night, my dear.

Jun 23, 2024

3 min read





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